"Una Leonessa rampante di argenteo manto che pesta l'elmo del dio Marte. Essa sarà ceselleta su di una forma ovale a richiamare lo scutum romano."
The Lioness is inspired by the lion, main symbol of Brescia, also illustrated on its emblem. Also the silver colour recall one of the coluors on the Brescia's flag.
The elliptical shape of the logo and the Mars' helmet homages the Vittoria alata of Brescia:
the statue formerly lied its left foot on the Mars' helmet; and the statue also carried an elliptical shield on which were written lost words.
"Omaggio ad uno dei più espressivi pittori romantici che l'Italia abbia dato al mondo."
Hayez Automobili pays omage to Francesco Hayez, a well-known romantic painter; and , as he was able to infuse emotions to his works, we want to trigger emotions in the driver and passengers through our cars.
Giving emotion to our cars
Born from the collaboration between a car-lover from Brescia and a body-shop based in Trieste
"Project like this could be successfull mostly thanks
to true passion and love for what we do."
A born-to-shape-dream atelier
Federico Alborhetti
Video – Coming soon
Rosario Pullano
Video – Coming soon
Roberto Farina
Video – Coming soon